Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Lady VonJackass

Lady VonJackass is currently on a European road swing for work, which ostensibly seems like it should be a great way to enjoy some travel on the company dime and do a little work in between. However, unfortunately her boss has come down with a severe case of chronic, debilitating "Ajossi Syndrome" that affects the medulla oblongata and corpus callosum, resulting in a severe loss of brain activity and the inability to think with reason, logic or compassion for other human beings. In effect, the level of cognitive development gets stunted at the pre-operational stage, resulting in a grown human form with the social skills and cognitive functioning of a 3-4 year old child.

Case in point, as they traveled from Germany to Paris, Lady VonJackass was feeling quite sick with a sore throat, stuffy nose and fever, so upon arriving in the "City of Lights" she decided that she would not accompany the group to dinner and drinks, but rather take some cold medicine and get some much needed rest and hopefully be feeling better for the next day's meetings with the French Olympic committee. She woke up the next day feeling much better and did an excellent job during the official meetings; however, was the boss happy? No, he pouted because he said she was too selfish because she didn't go out with them the night before. He spent most of the day not talking to her or anyone else and then when evening fell, he wanted to spend some time and tax payers money at a casino, so he dragged the staff from the hotel down the street to a nearby gaming house and told LVJ and another staff member that they should sit and watch him play the slot machines just in case he needed to talk to a casino staffer and needed them to communicate. After about 2 minutes of this idiotic idea, LVJ said to hell with this and went back to the hotel with a few other coworkers, leaving the boss with his secretary, who for some reason was more than happy to sit idly by and watch this numb nuts play the shot machines for 4 or 5 hours. Again in the morning the boss was pouting like a child because he thought it was rude that everyone left the casino (they didn't want to play in the first place) and left him there alone (apparently the secretary doesn't count as a person). The only upswing to these incidents for everyone it seems is that when the boss gets mad, he pouts and doesn't talk, so then nobody has to listen to him whining like a spoiled child.

Sunday I am supposed to drop by the airport to pick her up, and I have been daydreaming of kicking her boss right in the yarbles or slapping a sleeper hold on him when I see him...Somehow I know though that no matter what anyone does to him, he can't change his behaviour. It is his natural state and he doesn't know any better. After all, he is afflicted with Ajossi Syndrome.


The Goat said...

Seems remarkably like the the last few trips you guys have told me about. Take the good with the bad I guess.

Anonymous said...

I have just one say regarding these repeatted fuck with this whole thing, now I move on with one loathing yet, much needed experience