Monday, October 29, 2007

Finally...someone was thinking.

Here is an ad campaign that I thought was quite interesting. While the authenticity of the dates in the photos is debatable, the effect is quite powerful. For the amount of time and money spent on marketing, it is good to see that someone still has a good idea once in a while.
(note: click to enlarge the photos...the date is key)


Anonymous said...

it's guite interesting!! :D
who can took that pictures??
maybe they didn't know what happend next day.. hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Hellooo, hon.
yeah....those photos give me a weird vibe for some reason although nobody's sure the date on the photos is for real.

Nicky wants them on her blog so I just took my 'previlege' to say yes with clear mentioning of the rights being reserved to VJ haha.