Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Tiger and the Rabbit

I have often heard that the shape of the Korean peninsula is the same as the general shape of a tiger. I have never been able to really see it, and usually it seemed to look more like a bunny rabbit.
See for yourself:

Now check out this adorable and delicious bunny:

Almost the same, no?

Alas, I discovered the general gestalt of the tiger through tireless searches and neck twisting, squinting and creative cartography:

I would say that contortionist tigers were ahead of their time. In an ultimate example of man imitating nature for profit, Chinese circus acts were quick to copy the tiger's malleable bone twisting display and are now world famous for not only getting 32 ladies on a tiny bicycle, but also acts of flexibility that cause regular stiff legged folk to gasp in dismay.
Where did it all lead, you may ask? Well, eventually, out of our own secret desires to be circus performers (and to a lesser extent, tigers), the wonderful world of yoga was created.

Notice how this move closely resembles the general outline of Finland.

And now you know. Tell a friend.


Anonymous said...

What does a rabbit exactly do?
A rabbit growl?? hehe

The Goat said...


I am not sure that you want me to answer that question....

Anonymous said...

Hi, goat!!!^^!

Hm...not really haha