Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Grading curve gone around the bend

A buddy of mine over at Myongji College passed this tale of the unusual my way a few days ago. Names, dates and facts have been obscured to protect the innocent and VJ Enterprises from potential law suits.

It all started with a cheater. Not the run of the mill dopey freshman bonehead who "doesn't know better," but a senior. A woman (girl, lady, lass, female, testicularly challenged member of humanity...whatever the PC expression is these days), henceforth referred to only by her family name, Lee, to be exact. Last semester's final exam was highlighted with Lee getting caught in the act pulling out a cheat sheet which caught the eye of the all seeing, all knowing Owl Man known as her professor. The Owl Man of course brought the hammer down and gave Lee 0 on the final exam, which resulted in her receiving an F in the class. Now, for those of you not familiar with the Korean education system, it is all but impossible to give someone an F in class, no matter how little work they have actually done or how much they have cheated. An F or D usually results in someone from the University Administration office ringing a professor and explaining the old party line, "you have to understand his/her situation and give them a C." (That is better left to another conversation at another time) However, the F stood and Lee indeed failed the class, and as a result could not graduate.

Some of you may wonder, "What happened next?" while others click on and sigh, "Who gives a ~?"

What is indeed happening is that Lee didn't feel like taking a winter class in order to graduate or try to enroll in another class to finish up her no no. She figured that she was robbed of her chance to graduate and is now suing the college and also the professor. Yes indeed. Now, I am not sure how this is possible, but lawyers have been known to get on board any shot in the dark in hopes of making some cash, so it is not all that hard to believe.

I hope that this doesn't see any kind of courtroom or even a settlement, or it will be absolutely impossible to fail anyone ever again. If I hear any more about this, I will post it up as it happens.

(Artist's rendering of the way the cheating may or may not have happened:)


The Goat said...

I think the best course of action would be to just stay home.

This, however, would not preclude signing a contract and receiving a monthly paycheck. I would be very prompt in entering the meaningless grades into the system at the end of the semester.

Anonymous said...

god i didn't have to see this lol