Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What an Imbecile

I try and try to keep away from political chatter on here, but reading any Korean newspaper for 12 seconds or more fills me with a sense of rage. Last year, while everyone was hand-wringing about NK's nuclear situation and the return to the 6 party talks, Roh was skulking around in the shadows of the DMZ with a flashlight and throwing pebbles at KJI's window so that they could plan another $400 million dollar bilking of the South Korean people's tax dollars and clandestine Hyundai "donations" so that maybe they can meet in front of cameras just in time for the upcoming election I assume. BF Skinner was clearly wrong about his whole operant conditioning thing...Roh is immune to learning.
Here's a clip...click for the article

"President Roh Moo-hyun said yesterday that he ordered one of his personal aides to secretly contact North Korean officials last year for a possible inter-Korean summit, but dismissed criticism that he violated relevant laws in pursuing the secret contact."

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